Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Do you believe in the law of attraction?

I do, and that's why when I found this link to the new book "Money and the Law of Attraction" I was anxious to bring it to you!

Try as we might to keep a positive thought - and think only of the things we want to manifest in our lives - sometimes it helps to do some serious reading and remind ourselves of just how much we influence the "outside" events that shape our lives.

I've been reading Abraham for quite a while - and realizing why so many people are stuck in a kind of "rat on a wheel" existence. As much as they "wish" for something better, deep down they only believe in what they've always experienced.

Like my friend who once again hired a Realtor who isn't marketing his home. This makes #3. The other day he said "I didn't expect any better from her." Well gee, why did he bother to hire her then?

I hope that when you embark on a new marketing program or strive to create a winning sales letter - or even head out the door to meet with a client - that you are expecting the results you want. And that you're putting your belief behind that expectation.

It really is the only way to get from where you are to where you want to be.

Yours for success,


1 comment:

Michael Dan said...

its really a great book...