Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Read any good real estate signs lately?

Hi all,
Last week-end I got to be a passenger instead of a driver on a couple of trips in to town, so I got to do more gawking than usual. It's always fun to get to really look at the things passing by outside the windows and notice the changes that have taken place.

One thing I noticed a lot is real estate signs - and how few I could read. For some it's because the sign itself is too busy - the print is too fancy and small to be easily read at 60 miles per hour. And because of the placement, it does no good for a passenger to turn for a longer look. But for others, it's because they're torn, faded, or knocked over.

Those "silent salesmen" aren't doing a very good job!

A few of those signs had brochure boxes, so if we had been in the market for real estate we could have stopped to get some information - if there had been brochures in the boxes. Most are empty.

Now I'll admit, its been a long winter and it isn't any fun to get out there and take care of signs in the snow and the mud. But some things you need to do for your business just aren't fun. They need to be done anyway.

Before you head out there to straighten or replace the signs and fill those brochure boxes, why not take a couple of hours and re-vamp your flyer? Give those prospective buyers something good to read that will make them get on the phone and make an appointment?

In fact, before summer hits and the real estate market gets crazy, why not give ALL of your marketing materials a face-lift? Good advertising takes time, so do it now while you still have a little time.

If you're looking for more ideas to energize your business this year, check out my e-book, Getting Clients.

You just might find the idea that will double or triple your sales this year - without doubling or tripling the time you spend at work. Wouldn't it be fun to have the money for something like a new boat - AND have the time to go enjoy it?

Meanwhile, if you consider writing your ads an unpleasant chore, just write me. I actually like that part of your job.

Until next time, good selling!