Monday, October 08, 2007

A marketing idea for Halloween

I wish I could take credit for this one, but I'll have to admit that I read it on a forum somewhere.

Halloween is fast approaching - so soon now that the checkers in the grocery store today were discussing their costumes and what they can wear that will be comfortable to work in all day. I hope I remember to go to town that day to see what they all come up with.

I used to go to the real estate office with my hair sprayed bright pink - I loved it!

But costumes aren't what this is about. Back to the idea.

If you live in a neighborhood where you'll get trick or treaters, buy a supply of those tiny brown bags and attach your business card to each of them before putting in candy. Then hand each of the children a bag at your door. Since most parents now do check the candy before they let the kids pig out, they'll see your card and know they have a top agent in their own neighborhood.

You might even have some inexpensive cards printed for the occasion - you can do it on your computer if you have the right program. Say something like Happy Halloween from Jane Doe - your neighborhood Realtor. Then insert the tag line that you've created for your specialty.

If you try this, be sure to put some mom-approved candy in that bag!