Thursday, June 05, 2008

What's the difference between anxious and eager?

Think about those two words... I've been thinking about them ever since this afternoon when I listened to a teleconference with Herschell Gordon Lewis.

He was talking about the importance of the words you choose in marketing, and how each word conveys a subtle meaning. Even while it "says" the same thing.

For instance, think about the two phrases: "Declined to comment" and "Refused to answer." They give you two different feelings, don't they?

But back to the headline - the word anxious conveys a bit of anxiety - even though it might not be what you mean. But the word eager conveys enthusiasm and hopefulness.

Another "trick" he mentioned was about making things seem bigger or smaller by the unit of measurement you choose. Would you rather have a "quarter pounder" or a 4 ounce burger?

I've taken all sorts of copywriting classes, and like most copywriters, I read and study about copywriting almost every day of my life, but listening to that man was incredible. I took 10 pages of notes in one hour. I'd heard him speak before, which was why I made it a point to listen today. If you ever get the opportunity to hear him - jump at it.

The kind of psychology he talks about will help you even if you're not a copywriter - because everyone needs to persuade someone sometimes.

Yours for success and successful persuasion,

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