Saturday, June 07, 2008

What should you present in a listing presentation?

This one is for you Realtors. My Real estate help ezine today is about the experiences a friend has had in trying to find a good Realtor to sell his house...

After two bad experiences with hiring the wrong agents last year, he's been interviewing plenty of agents trying to find someone with enthusiasm and willingness to work with him, rather than against him.

He wanted to contribute $2,000 per month so that his house would be advertised in more places with larger, more prominent ads - and he wanted his realtor to work with me on the copy.

The agent he finally chose presented him with a full blown CMA, a clear schedule of her various fees, a marketing plan, and then some. Others merely showed him a computer print-out of a few recently sold properties.

I intended to post the entire article on my site so you could go read it and then come back and comment. But that is not to be - at least not tonight.

When my computer crashed a week ago it left me without my reliable old Top Dawg software for HTML editing - and I cannot find my way around in Dreamweaver. My son says its a great program, but I can't find anything great about it - not even one thing!

After spending an hour trying to figure out how to talk to it, I've given up. I simply MUST find a more user friendly editor. One that's made for non-techies like me who don't know any of the jargon but just want to do some simple editing. Things like inserting paragraph breaks and changing a font size. Top Dawg seems to have disappeared from the web, darn it!

So, instead, share with us what you think should be included in a listing presentation. And if a client offered to contribute $2,000 per month for you to use marketing his house, would you take it?

How about if a client told you that you had a professional copywriter at your service? Would you take the assistance, or turn it down?

We're just curious...

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