Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Two small words that add punch to a request

Words and where you use them really do make a difference, and these two are surprisingly effective.

The two words? "Will You."

Instead of making a statement such as "Call if you'll be late," change it to "Will you call if you'll be late?" and get the affirmative response. Once someone has said yes, they've made a commitment to you and are far more likely to follow through.

Use this tactic in dealing with friends, family, and with customers.

Your specific business dictates what you might want your customers to do. It might be calling to confirm an appointment, calling if they can't make it, calling if they have questions prior to a decision, or calling after the purchase to let you know if they have any concerns. (Which is better than talking about you behind your back.)

If you've got any little word tricks that work for you, share them please!

Yours for success,

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