Saturday, July 19, 2008

I guess no one knows John Reese

And that seems to be pretty normal. Marketing gurus are teaching people that the way to break into the business is to "Do a launch" and create a lot of hoopla over it by offering extremely attractive affiliate payments.

Does that mean that what they sell is going to be good? Does it even mean that the affiliates who promote it have seen the product? Maybe. But not necessarily. I remember an instance several months ago that underscored that thought.

One of the big affiliate marketers promoted some new biz op launch - along with about 2 dozen other affiliate marketers. And then, just a few days later, he mailed out an apology to everyone on his lists.

It seems he had fallen for the hype, promoted the product without testing it, and it turned out to be so lame that he was ashamed to have endorsed it. He encouraged everyone who felt as he did to request a refund immediately - just as he had.

But the damage was done. From then on, when he endorses a product, people will wonder. I kind of doubt if he'd do the same thing again, since he was so embarrassed over the incident. But you never know for sure.

Be cautious - try to learn something about a biz op product before you find out that the person writing it didn't know anything more about the subject than you do. Writing is easy - all you have to do is take 4 or 5 other people's material, compile it, and presto! A new program guaranteed to make its buyers rich.

I belong to a copywriter's forum, and checking things out ahead of time is one of the big benefits. When some member is considering joining a mentoring group or buying in to one of these expensive programs, he or she asks the group for their opinions - and the group gives them. You might try finding and joining a similar group.

And... if you buy a program and it isn't useful, don't be afraid to return it. Just remember to keep a copy of the guarantee, in case you have trouble. I bought something once and tried to contact the sellers to no avail. They did have a phone number on their site - but it was permanently attached to an answering machine.

I got a refund that time by contacting my credit card company.

By the way, if you buy through Clickbank you have a set number of days to easily request and get a refund with no questions asked.

Yours for success,

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