Friday, July 04, 2008

Could smoking be a good networking tool?

That crazy thought entered my head today, and I decided that yes, it could.

If you don't smoke, you won't know what I'm talking about, but if you do, you will.

When attending conferences, there's often a break between speakers when smokers rush outside for a quick puff before the next session. Different individuals choose different spots, so generally there aren't more than a half dozen in one spot, even at a large conference - which makes a perfect climate for talking to each other. After all, you aren't going to just stand there and puff while staring straight ahead. And, since smokers are the current "bad people," you all have something in common, so form kind of an instant bond with each other.

Over the course of a 2 or 3 day conference, you can strike up a pretty good camaraderie - and that could lead to referrals and work in the future.

Where else can you find a small group of people with whom you share such a strong bond?

That's my random thought for the day... I hope you had a wonderful 4th.

Yours for prosperity,

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