Thursday, April 17, 2008

How Google Can Save Your Sanity

Yesterday I got a most interesting direct mail piece. It was a scheme to get me to send money to someone who would teach me how to go out and find merchandise that stores need to liquidate for some reason or another.

I didn't count, but it was about 6 or 8 pages long, showed copies of the big checks people are receiving, and told how easy it all was. All you have to do is find the deals, convince the people to sell for ten cents on the dollar, and then this guy would buy the stuff, re-sell it, and give you half the profit.

Easy work, right? Somewhere in the letter he mentioned that he spent thousands every month to gather the contact info for the people you need to talk to - but I didn't notice anywhere that he said he'd give you that info. Only that he had it.

Anyway, out of curiosity, I decided to Google him and the business.

Oh boy! All I can say is that it's too bad the people who wrote about him hadn't done the same before they forked over their cash.

That's the second time in the past month or so that I've gotten something really persuasive in the mail and Googled it - to find that it was a complete scam.

If everyone would do that before they bought into these schemes, that kind of business would be out of business in short order.

And why doesn't everyone do it? Within just a few minutes you can find out if something is for real or not.

As well as doing a search, there's a website called where you can research all sorts of businesses you might be considering using. I got acquainted with it when I did some work for Hollywood Hair - he had me go see the reports people had posted about his biggest competitors.

Once I got there, I went exploring, and it was an eye-opener. Of course, some of the reports were silly. For instance, someone had written that Melaleuca products were no good because some people are allergic to them. Well duh - some people are allergic to almost anything you could name. So, you have to pay attention to what the complaints actually say.

If you're thinking about getting involved with a business opportunity, or even considering buying from a new company, use this tool we call the internet. You'll save your sanity and your money too!

Best success,

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