Friday, March 21, 2008

Do you love to write? If not, don't do it.

Although I can't understand it, some people do not love to write. It makes no sense to me, because writing is downright fun, but I won't argue with those who disagree.

What I will argue with is the idea that people who dislike writing should still try to produce their own ad copy. It just doesn't come out right - and it takes valuable time away from them doing what they do best, whether that's selling houses, hanging drywall, or repairing cars.

Poorly written ads can actually make a business or a business person look unattractive to the very prospects they're hoping to win. Does it make sense for them to pay for that kind of advertising? I don't think so.

Sometimes you have something to say and you know it exists only in your own head. So you think you have to write it. You do, but only to an extent. The best solution is to dump it all out on paper, and then bring in a writer to put it together in the right order, with words that make it interesting. You and your writer work together to create a finished, polished project.

I do that for clients, and I did it for my husband. You see, he's a retired home builder and he wanted to tell people things they need to know before they hire a contractor and embark on the exciting adventure called "Building my dream home."

Between my years in real estate and his as a contractor, we heard so many tales of woe that it seemed like something we just had to do. So, since he's definitely not a writer, he merely put down his thoughts in random order. Then I sorted them out, asked him a lot of questions to fill in the holes, and turned it into an e-book called Home Building Simplified.

If you're thinking about building, check it out. And in the meantime, get a free copy of our report entitled "How to Spot a Bogus Contractor," by emailing

If you have marketing materials that need to attract more clients, or if you have a report or book burning in your head - but you don't like to write - get in touch.

I'll help.

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