Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Broaden your audience - use written words!

Darn I hate videos! Seems like everyone on line with interesting information these days is putting it on video - so I miss it!

First I have to wait until midnight so Hughes Net won't shut me down for downloading too much. But then, with a satellite connection, many videos come in little chunks. I forget what they're talking about in between the chunks.

I know, I know. Video is the really cool thing to use - and it takes less effort than refining your words to write them out. But since only about half of all internet users have high speed, that means you have half the audience you could have if you wrote down your information.

Think about that...

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Do You Ask Your Customers and Clients for Testimonials?

You really should, you know, even if it's hard to do.

In a world filled with big promises, big claims, and marketers shouting "I'm best, pick me!" having a 3rd party endorsement can mean a lot.

But it is hard to do. So, go about it a different way - ask without really asking.

I made some suggestions about how to do that on my other blog... Come see.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

A new look at your competition

Hi all -
It's been a while since I posted here, because I moved my blog to my website. I intended to take this one down, but then my son talked me out of it. Bossy kid.

Anyway, I don't have enough hours in the day to write on both blogs, so I'll give you a hint about the content, and ask you to please follow me, and Read today's post...

It's a new look at competition - and why maybe it isn't competition at all! Please join me for an idea that just might give your business a boost!
